The research has set out clearly to articulate the causes of ethno-religious violence in Zar land, in Bauchi state, from 1991 to 2009. The research examined the traditional strategies used by the Zar people in Zar land in conflict prevention, resolution and management. This work has located the aetiology of the crisis to economic, political, social and religious causal factors in the interaction of the Zar with the Bauchi emirate council and the Bauchi state government. The work discussed the history of the Zar and their interaction with the Bauchi emirate council overtime. The two religions, Islam and Christianity which are predominant in Nigeria, have inherited different scriptural teaching, which have led to the ethno-religious violence for many years especially in Northern Nigeria. The research raised questions such as: What are the remote and immediate causes of these crises? Why has the crises persisted? And what are the strategies that will bring the crises to an end? What lasting peace can be proffered today to ensure that such crisis would not re-occur? The research established the traditional strategies or methods of conflict resolution in Zar land ethno–religious violence. The research aimed at finding out the traditional strategies or methods of conflict prevention, resolution and management towards lasting peace in the area. It examined the causes, effects, and remedies of the crises and the extent of dialogue that has helped or failed in resolving the conflict. The research recommends that, the government, community leaders, traditional rulers, the elite, youth and individuals should play their part in resolving the conflict in the area. Religious resources should also be employed to build peace and provide building blocks for peaceful co-existence, rather than to allow religion to become a curse in human communities like Zar land. The research recommends the actualization of the Zar chiefdom.
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